The United States has proven once again, that under the current administration, we are no longer leaders on the world stage.  On Monday, November 4th, the Trump administration initiated the process of formally withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, a landmark agreement that was entered into effect three years ago by 197 countries, 187 of which have ratified it into law.

In an era of heightened awareness, alarm and action from all sectors of society and from all corners of the earth, President Trump and his band of climate change deniers are putting our health, our economy, and our safety at risk. From more intense and more frequent wildfires in California, to catastrophic hurricanes and flooding in the South, to devastating tornadoes and extreme winters in the Midwest, the reality of climate change cannot be overstated.

Not only is the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement a horrific blow to decades of scientific work and international cooperation and diplomacy, it also is a blow to our children – to the future generations who are relying on us to find a solution and act swiftly to combat climate change. This latest move by the Trump administration joins the already long list of egregious acts against the environment – so far, 85 environmental rules have been reversed since Trump took office. What would our country look like after another four years of Trump?

We, at WAVE, do not sit idly by as our federal government actively destroys our environment and natural resources. Through our Climate Action Working Group, we effect change on a local level by lobbying Orange County cities to adopt Community Choice Energy (CCE). CCE allows residents to choose the source of their power supply, and studies have shown that when they do, they opt for cleaner and cheaper, renewable energy sources. Further, WAVE has committed to financially supporting the work of a dedicated Orange County Organizer for the Climate Action Campaign. He is tasked with keeping pressure on cities to adopt CCE, and to continually educate residents, city managers, and other stakeholders on the benefits of CCE.

We also actively campaign against offshore drilling, host environmental symposia, support candidates who believe in science, and urge our members to submit public comments whenever an environmental rule is under threat of being revoked. We hope that these steps taken in Orange County will cause a ripple effect in other communities and that somehow, despite the federal government, citizen advocates can work together to make a difference in protecting the only home we will ever have.