May 15, 2022, Orange County, CA — The national epidemic of gun violence took on a local form today as multiple victims have been reported from a shooting at the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Orange County earlier today. This comes at the heels of the horrific, racially-motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, New York.

At WAVE, we are heartbroken and sickened to know that this has happened so close to home. But this happens every day in America. In 2020, over 43,000 Americans died by gun violence. In the U.S., according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an American is 99 times more likely to die from gun violence than someone in the United Kingdom. This is unacceptable and we must do what we can to ensure a less violent future for our next generations.

We need leaders who will champion the cause of reducing gun violence in our country. If you are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated or angry about the many shootings in the news, we ask you to channel your energy into donating to gun safety advocacy organizations, including WAVE, to help our county, states, and the entire country, to elect leaders who will introduce and pass gun safety legislation. Most importantly, VOTE. Vote for candidates who get F ratings from the NRA and the gun industry, and who make gun safety a priority in their campaigns.

WAVE sends our deepest condolences to the victims of today’s shooting and their loved ones, and we thank the many first responders for their service.